Welcome to Create Your Calm!

This course started as a soul pull during the darkest time of my life.

My dad had just passed away after a long battle with cancer 4 months earlier.

Through my grief and trying to hold onto something, I felt a pull to create a course with some of the foundational tools that served as daily lifelines to navigate my current season of life.

I wanted to transform some of my pain to a greater purpose.

With that intention, my 5-week mindfulness/meditation course was born, later to be named its current evolution of Create Your Calm.

Originally hosted live, some of the feedback I received from the women who participated was to create a self-study version.

Live delivery has a brilliant energy of its own but sometimes we need a quieter, more flexible approach.

Quieter in the way that you can work through it individually with full introspection.

Flexible in the way that you can tune in when you have the capacity and complete the modules and worksheets at your leisure.

This course belongs to the person who is struggling with day-to-day stressors but knows there must be a better way.

It's for who is ready to invest in their healing; in their peace of mind.

This course teaches you tools for bringing you back to the present moment when life throws curve balls.

It teaches you about your own biology so you can build and foster a relationship with your body.

This course teaches you to discover what early signs of stress look and feel like for you and how to mitigate the effects before you get to the point of overwhelm.

It's for the person who, like me, wants to navigate life's curveballs, big and small, with more grace and ease.

If this is for you and you're ready to commit to your well-being, I am so proud of you and incredibly excited for you to open this next chapter of being.

5 lessons with lesson slides to help with review and note taking.

Guided meditations for increased awareness of lesson subject matter.

Lesson worksheets and journaling prompts to help integrate each lesson.

Create Your Calm Topics

  • Stress and the Nervous System
  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Attachment and Surrender
  • Burnout and Resilience

Ready to dive in?